Munich Re

Important! This platform has been deactivated. From 29 June 2023, any person wishing to send us a tip should use the new reporting portal:

With regard to reports that have already been submitted and are still being processed, please note that the mailboxes will remain active after 29 June 2023.

Complying with the law:a central aspect of our business

Conduct orientated towards responsibility and sustainable value creation forms the basis of each transaction for Munich Re. We attach great importance to the trust of our customers, investors and employees as well as the public. Compliance with statutory requirements and internal regulations is of central importance for this.

In order to fulfil this requirement and avert potential damage to Munich Re, we are interested in acquiring knowledge of compliance violations. As an open and trusting company culture is very important to us, employees should turn to their superior, the personnel department or the local compliance officer if they become aware or are suspicious of circumstances relating to compliance.

The data protection officer in Munich, who is bound to maintain confidentiality, shall also be available insofar as the protection of personal data is concerned.

In the event that a direct information is not possible or useful, Munich Re shall offer its employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners a secure whistleblower portal to allude to potential compliance violations. This way, corresponding information can be delivered worldwide at any time, securely and confidentially. A delivered information shall be forwarded to Group Compliance in Munich, which shall be responsible for the further processing thereof. Confidentiality is also the top priority here.

The whistleblowing portal is intended to help identify and prevent significant risks for the company. For this reason, we will only accept and process information related to legal violations, particularly financial crimes (such as corruption, money laundering), violations of antitrust or insurance supervision laws, market abuse or data protection laws, or serious breaches of related internal rules.

Suspecting another person may have serious consequences for him. For that reason, the whistleblower portal is to be used responsibly. A whistleblower is encouraged to only provide information whose correctness the whistleblower is convinced about to the best of its knowledge and belief. Deliberately incorrectly delivered information may have consequences under criminal and labour law.

We value open communication with our customers and employees and would therefore like to encourage you to provide your name alongside your information. If you wish to remain anonymous, however, please take care that your data do not allow for the deduction of your person.

Why should I submit a report?
What types of reports help our organisation?
How does a report work, how do I set up a postbox?
How can I receive an answer, yet at the same time remain anonymous?