BOSCH Group, Compliance

Speak up! We listen up!

For Bosch, a responsible, lawful, and fair business has always been paramount. Therefore, Bosch does not tolerate any violations of the law, the Bosch Code of Conduct, or other internal regulations. Bosch does also not want to be involved in third parties’ violations.

Hence, we strongly encourage every Bosch associate and every Bosch business partner to report any possible violation of the law, the Bosch Code of Conduct, or other internal regulations.

We kindly ask you to use the secured postbox option, especially if you wish to report anonymously. A fully anonymous communication is ensured. We will communicate via the postbox and ask questions that may arise during the investigation process. Your support is important.

All reports and its content are treated confidential. Furthermore, we are committed to protect reporting persons from any disadvantages that may result from submitting a report in good faith.

If you would like to forward

  • notification of data protection incidents or
  • a submission of a data subject request

we kindly ask you to use the following link.

Please note: If you have a query regarding customer service of Bosch products, please get in touch with
Why should I report?
What can I report?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a secured postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
What does “protection of reporting persons” mean?
What should I do when I am subject to retaliation due to reporting an issue?