CECONOMY AG, Group Compliance


Compliance and integrity are an essential part of the corporate culture at the CECONOMY and MediaMarktSaturn Group. It is therefore important for us that our employees and business partners behave in a legally and ethically impeccable manner at all times. We therefore expect everyone to act in accordance with current law, the Code of Conduct and company guidelines.

It is always our goal that compliance violations in the CECONOMY and MediaMarktSaturn Group as well as along the associated supply chains are reported and clarified at an early stage. A Group-wide compliance whistleblowing system has been implemented in order to receive and follow up on all hints about observed or suspected compliance violations and thus ensure effective protection for all whistleblowers. This system is not only an integral part of our compliance management system and our human rights due diligence process, but also meets all requirements of the EU Whistleblower Directive.

The whistleblowing system is available to all employees and third parties (e.g. customers, business partners or employees at suppliers). In the case of anonymous whistleblowing, we ask you to set up a secured postbox at the end of your report, thereby enabling anonymous communication as part of the reporting processing. All information will of course be treated in strict confidence to protect whistleblowers from possible reprisals and retaliation.

Specific guidance is important and helps identify potential compliance violations and prevents future misconduct.

Do you have information about possible compliance violations? We will be happy to receive it.

Please take this chance, together we can improve our company!

What kind of reports are helpful to the CECONOMY AG?
Why should I submit a report?
How will my report be processed, how do I set up a postbox?
How can I receive a reply, yet at the same time remain anonymous?