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CBM is devoted to improving the lives of people with disabilities in the poorest places in the world. Following our Core Values of Integrity, Communication and Professionalism it is very important for us to ensure that the donations we are entrusted with are used properly.
In today’s world, small fraud and cash fraud are widespread problems across the globe and add up to put a massive drain on resources and efficiency.
The diversion of resources or miss-use of power for personal gain compromises CBM’s core values and our accountability towards our beneficiaries, their communities and our donors around the world. We are committed to foster an organizational culture in which corruption is never acceptable and not tolerated.
CBM is determined to operate in an honest and transparent manner and aspires to operate to best practice standards, and complies with all relevant laws in all the jurisdictions in which we operate.
CBM takes comprehensive measures to ensure that its beneficiaries, donors and employees do not fall victim to fraud or that its products or processes are misused for fraudulent acts. A range of policies, systems and services are available to help staff fight corruption.
As a matter of principle, CBM encourages its employees to speak directly with their superiors and in cases of red flags directly with Internal Audit. Should such dialogs not be possible or for some reason not be feasible or sensible, this anonymous whistleblower system is available to employees, volunteers, suppliers and partners, regardless of location and time zone. Confidential information regarding criminal offences, ethical misconduct or complaints pertaining to auditing, can be submitted in English, French, Spanish and German.
This system underpins CBM’s initiative for the prevention of corruption and fraud, which is regularly revised to capture changes in corruption risk, law and best practice. All members of the Board, senior management, employees, and suppliers are required to comply with CBM’s policy.
More information on CBM’s anti-corruption activities can be found in the GRI Accountability Reports.
Thanks for your support in helping us to protect the interest of our beneficiaries and donors.
With best regards,
Internal Audit Team
CBM International Office