thyssenkrupp AG

Compliance at thyssenkrupp – please give us your support

This whistleblowing system allows you to report violations of laws or policies about specific compliance topics to thyssenkrupp AG if those violations concern companies of the thyssenkrupp Group. You can choose to remain anonymous if this is legal in the respective country and situation.

This whistleblowing system is operated by EQS Group GmbH in Berlin, an external provider acting on behalf of thyssenkrupp AG. The system is certified regularly by external experts with respect to its data security and protection.

Your information helps us to counteract violations at an early stage and limit the damage to our company, our employees and our business partners.

The whistleblowing system is open to all thyssenkrupp employees as well as third parties (customers, suppliers, etc.). Please report any information concerning USA and Canada directly to the thyssenkrupp North America whistleblowing system,

All information received is handled by a Compliance Officer of thyssenkrupp AG in the strictest confidence. thyssenkrupp ensures that no employee is disadvantaged in any way as a result of information disclosed in good faith. As casting suspicion on another person can have serious consequences for that person, it is essential that the whistleblowing system is used responsibly.

Reports submitted via this system are one way of providing us with information about possible compliance violations. However, in the spirit of a corporate culture based on openness, we encourage all employees to first turn to contacts within the company, e.g. their line managers or the Legal and Compliance Departments.

What kinds of information can I submit?
Can I also submit information anonymously?
How do I submit a report?
Will I receive feedback/ information on the process status?