GEA Pavan SpA

Whistleblower System

The GEA Group and Pavan SpA are dedicated to responsible and sustainable company management. Integrity and legally compliant behaviour are therefore of the highest priority at GEA and Pavan SpA. In order to prevent possible damage to the company, its employees, business partners, shareholders or other stakeholders, Pavan SpA is interested in learning about serious violations of laws or internal regulations at the company as early as possible. GEA and Pavan SpA value an open company culture. You should therefore generally take your concerns first in confidence to the competent offices in Pavan SpA or GEA.

If you do not wish to take this path, GEA offers you an opportunity with this reporting system to alert us directly online to serious violations.

Please note that the whistleblower system is not a general complaint tool. For this reason, it offers only selected report categories that represent major risks to the company, its employees and all other stakeholders. This includes the areas of corruption, fraud and breach of trust, money laundering and violations of antitrust and competition law, export control regulations, data privacy and accounting regulations. As an employer, GEA and Pavan SpA also feels responsible in the event of violations of the principles of social responsibility outlined in the Codes of Conduct. These cases therefore represent a separate report category.

Your report via this portal will be received by an external system of EQS Group AG, Germany, which is independent from the GEA infrastructure and from Pavan SpA. Only a restricted set of persons in charge of the whistleblowing system of Pavan SpA (namely the Compliance Manager and the in-house Counsel) has access to your report and has the responsibility for processing your report in a confidential manner.

Please note that false accusations can have serious consequences for those involved. We therefore expressly ask that you use this reporting system responsibly and only provide information that you are certain is true according to your best knowledge and belief. Knowingly submitting false information can result in prosecution under criminal and labour laws.

Thank you for your report and for your support.

Why should I submit a report?
What reports can be submitted to the reporting portal?
What is the process for submitting a report, how do I set up a postbox?