PreZero Stiftung & Co. KG
 One of our corporate principles is "We comply with applicable laws and internal policies”. We make sure that you can trust us by acting in accordance with the law. In other words, compliance is an important part of the company's ongoing success.

It is important for us to identify and address potential misconduct as early as possible. To achieve this goal, we have an important tool for reporting cases of misconduct.

The online whistleblowing system is available for this purpose. If you use the system to report situations of possible misconduct, we want you to know that your information will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with the respective local laws.

Please use this online whistleblowing system responsibly. It must not be misused to denounce other people. Therefore, you should only provide information that you believe to be true to the best of your knowledge and belief.

This online whistleblowing system has only been set up for reporting matters relating to compliance. Please note that other matters, such as service-related complaints, cannot be reported through this system.

Any other channels for submitting a report or asking questions (e.g. Compliance Officers) that exist in addition to this online whistleblowing system will be remained.
Why should I submit a report?
For what concerns should the online whistleblowing system be used?
What is the process for submitting a report or a question? How do I set up a postbox?
How and when do I receive feedback?