idealo internet GmbH

Our goal: A sincere and fair cooperation!

In order to be able to maintain and expand a work environment full of diversity and freedom, it is important to pay special attention to possible misconduct and violations of laws or internal regulations. The violation of an individual can often have serious consequences for several people. We therefore cannot and will not tolerate any actions that could harm our employees, each other and the companies in our Group, and we therefore ask you to openly address any perceived violations so that we can investigate them and take action if necessary.

Whistleblowers who submit reports in good faith will not suffer any adverse consequences. Should you nevertheless be concerned that a report could lead to other negative consequences for you, you naturally have the option of submitting all reports anonymously via this portal. Please note that we are often dependent on further cooperation from you in order to fully clarify the matter. That is why there is the possibility to set up an optional anonymous mailbox.

For the sake of completeness: sometimes the clarification of the facts in question leads to the realization that there was no reproachable conduct. This is also a good result, because an existing suspicion can be dispelled. The decisive factor is that the system must not be used to knowingly provide false or defamatory information!

The idealo-Compliance Team thanks you for your support!

Why is it important to report violations of our idealo code?
What kind of violations should/must be reported?
What are the consequences for me as a whistleblower?
How exactly does the reporting process work for me as a whistleblower?